rCNV 1.3.0 (third update)
- parallelization enabled
- dupValidate function revised
- per site Fis added to deviant detection
- vstPermutation function added
- maf modified to remove multi-allelic sites
- FIT correction added
rCNV 1.2.0 (second update)
CRAN release: 2023-08-08
- relatedness function optimized
- bugs fixed in cpm.normal function
- bugs fixed in the sig.het function
- new publication added
- web page updated
rCNV 1.1.0 (first update)
CRAN release: 2022-10-26
- sig.het function is 10x faster
- dupGet function categorizes SNPs into deviants and non-deviants not duplicates and singlets
- The new function cnv categorizes deviant SNPs to CNVs using the given statistical approaches or using unsupervised clustering
- minor issues of chi-square and Z-score calculations are fixed
- allele.info calculates excess of heterozygotes in addition to Z-score and chi-square values
- sig.hets function also accepts allele depth table for input
- new function added ‘power.bias’ to plot detection bias from simulations
- webpage updated to match the changes